Thursday, January 12, 2012

Finally back! (Picking up where we left off)

On my honer,
I will try,
To serve God,
And my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law

I will do my best,
To be honest and fair,
Friendly and helpful,
Considerate and caring,
Courageous and strong,
and responsible for what I say and do.
To respect myself and others,
Respect authority,
Use resources wisely,
Make the world a better place,
and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

So by this time, most of you already know that I got that job. I am the Mission Delivery Manager of Membership in Girl Scouts of Southeast FL Area 3. My job is to recruit girls and adults into girl scouting. I flyer, put on programs/events, set up booths, and do everything I can to keep membership numbers up and rising. I love my job. Of course coming into the middle of registration season was tough. I mean it was HARD. All training is on the job and you have to catch on quickly, which admittedly wasn't happening in my case.

Since then I think I have a much better idea of what I am supposed to be doing and how I can go about doing it. So things have become much easier. Everything is pretty quiet on the home-front. So what have I been up to? Well, let's find out!

So when we last left I had just gotten this cool new bow.  I suppose really, it's old news being that at this moment, I believe I gave it away to someone who actually wears bows.  You see?  I am an impulsive shopper.  So there I am, standing at the counter of Ross, when I spot this black and gray monstrosity of a bow and something in my head commands me to buy it under penalty of regret.  So I throw it on top of my things.  I wear it home, wear it for a few minutes each day for the next week and for the life of me, I have no idea where I could possibly wear this.  What would I wear it with?  It's pre-teen and tween fashion!  UGH!  SO I gave it away.  I honestly don't remember who I gave it to.  Oh well!

As September wears on I met the last puppy I got to help at Petsmart.  She's a Sharpei! I don't remember her name, though I want to say it might have been Lilly.  She was 8 weeks old and the cutest little thing!

So There ended my last day at PetSmart and I began my life without khaki pants. 

Below is a video of little Ms Sadie!  She's a miniature Daschound with personality like no other.  We wanted to teach her pound it! 

For the very first time (from what I am being told) my Aunt invited someone into her kitchen to help her cook.  Who was that someone you might ask?  Honestly, you know what I am going to say.  Actually, when I told my other aunt that I would helping to make Rosh Hashanah dinner, her reply was, "No."  She was floored that anyone was allowed in my other Aunt's kitchen.  "You misunderstood her."  That's what she said.  I laughed and the next day she found out that I misunderstood nothing.  So I went to my Aunt's and spent the night cooking dinner.  We made kugal, which I would like to say, I have never liked.  This woman's kugal is the best dish I have ever had.  It's amazing and I won't eat it any other way.  I mean, maybe one day something will come along, but for now, no.  We also made a briscut and a few other things that I honestly can't remember.  I even made a cake!

Shortly after this lovely cakes, and my hire at Girl Scouts I was told to go to a bowling ally for an MVP meeting.  Well alright! We laced up are craptastic bowing shoes (aren't they all?) and bowled two games of cosmic bowling up near Boynton Beach.  What was the damage?  Three broken nails, soar fingers, and a soar arm.  The other teams kicked out butts and we even had a kid playing two teams.  It was perfect.

My coworkers are amazing!  They are so much fun, but my God, no more bowling for me.  My fingers just can't take it.

Finally we're into October!  This much closer to my favorite holiday for dressing up. On
October 1st I stepped into Nordstroms for the first time.  Can I live there?  So many pretty things.  Everyone who works there is in suits and looking refined.  Funny enough, people at Macy's are the stuck up ones.  They had a Clinique counter and I HAD to stop.  Again, another coincidence.  I paid $45 for my moisturizer here.  In Macy's it was $65!  What's up with that?  I know where I'm going to buy my stuff now.  Boca!  

As we traveled the aisles to find the mall entrance, I passed these.  How Chic!  I need this!  *Flip them over*  O_O  $745?!  *Wallet drags me away as I grind my nails into the marble floors.*  NOOOOOOOO!!!  COME BACK VALENTINO!!! 

This entire mall is drowning me in fashion!  Ballgowns, Coach bags, Burberry, Gucci, Louis Vuitton (Not a fan of the bags, but the clothes are quite nice), and so much more.  How I wish I had the money to buy it all. 

We went to this mall to get new sneakers for my Aunt, and the only store with the brand she wanted was at this mall.  I haven't gone more than 3 stores into the mall and I just don't want to leave.  To this day, I still have not been back.  Maybe I will go their with my new friends Mike and Nicole.  It's about the mid point between my house and theirs I think. 

Now I am out of the mall and home.  It's time to make a trip to Sanrio Surprises to set up a booth date for their store.  I arrive to the Promenade to find women and men in lederhosen.  I am slightly confused until I see the "World of Beer" store.  Ah.  Never mind.  

October 5, 2011
My Co-worker and team mate Jeanette has been sick.  I have been all alone until today and this is my first outing for work with a co-worker.  We start our trip at the office and head to Fort Lauderdale.  Here's our photo story!  

But first, a look at my office supplies.  :D

And now on with my day!  First stop, Birch State Park!

So according to the woman there, this bath house was slightly destroyed in the hurricanes that hit a year or more back.  It hasn't been cleaned up or fixed and all the campers say it's haunted.  AWESOME! 

These large vines are killing the vegetation.  They are not native to Florida and because of this, they need to go.  We're going to try and incorporate this into our activities at Birch in March.  Let's get these menacing plants out of here!

A problem yes, but they are very pretty.

And this is the site we ended up renting for our kite flying and the Girl Scout experience.

Good luck with that.

WAIT A SECOND!  Are we really at the beach?  O_O  Let's go!  Woooooo!

Time to go!  Back in the car and off to a lunch planning meeting at Flannigins!

Mmmm... Shrimp.

Next up, the dog park!  Let's make a program for girls and their dogs.  Sound fun. 

 To Be Continued...

MORE UPDATE TO COME TOMORROW!!!  Thanks for reading!

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